Margie's den of wonders...

now that was the catchiest bit of the blog! ;o)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dublin...Brought to you by Bulmer's Original Cider

Over the weekend my husband and I had a chance to use up some vouchers we received as compensation from BA for a cock-up over a ticket exchange.

To use the vouchers we needed to come to the exact amount or more. So we decided that we would fly out to Dublin first class and back cattle. We also managed to pay for the accommodation out of the money - so ideal really after an expensive summer holiday.

First Class Lounge at Gatwick Airport

We are old enough, my husband and I, that we have lots of travel under our belts - but young enough that we are not jaded about the prospect of free stuff. Enter the BA first class lounge...Ah swanky loveliness which included a place for me to go and send a quick (free I might add) note to boast to friends and loved ones, expensive wine in hand.

In the lounge itself we crossed paths with Academy Award winner (Best Actor) Adrien Brody - had a little joke with him over some mineral water...All very, very! ;o)

Sadly, my husband had been out the evening before so was not feeling as well as he might...So I was drinking for two. While he napped in the comfy chairs I read every newspaper I could lay my hands on and drank 4 glasses of Pouilly something or other! Yum!

Dublin...It's very green

They aren't kidding...Emerald isle!

Bulmer's to Magner's Taste Test

So there we are in a pub...In Dublin..."Imagine ca!"...And it was really warm...So the thought of having a meal in a glass didn't quite appeal...What to do? Well kiddies...In the United Kingdom there is currently a rather aggressive marketing campaign for an Irish cider called Magner's. Magner's on ice to be precise...So there we are thinking...I could murder one of them!...And fancy that we're in Ireland. So get up to the bar and ask for a Magner's and the bloke behind says "From London?" this with my accent and all...So then he told me "Its Bulmer's over here"...Now the only difference is that the Magner's is twice the price in Ireland (and the UK for that matter) and they don't have a posh bit of foil round the top...That being said...Yummy same stuff on the inside!

Jameison's Whisky is quite nice...But not as nice as single malt

The Jameison's Whisky factory tour is quite naff really. They show you a video and then take you through a mock factory set up in a traditional setting...They also have dummies in the displays who need better wigs...And I mean big time!

The best bit was that during the movie you get to put up your hand as a volunteer...Which I did...And then yippee at the end they let you sample about 6 ounces of various types of whiskey...still liked the single malts best...but what a journey...and then it was back to the Hotel for some well deserved rest (i.e.: Marjorie was a bit legless and needed to put her head on the pillow in order to be sure that she was in a fit state to fly the next day).

Over all Dublin is a lovely city...and must say would like to explore Ireland more (particularily the North)...but the fact is that it is a very posh city that costs a lot and has loads of the same shops on the High Street as does London and can wind up costing the earth! I think that going there on a Blooms day (James Joyce's Ulysseys novel is set on that day) and it would be excellent to follow the footsteps of its lead character would be really cool as well. So potential for more exploring.


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