Margie's den of wonders...

now that was the catchiest bit of the blog! ;o)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Problem with being a Renaissance Woman I admit it...I am a news junkie. I love to read as many news sources as possible on a huge variety of topics...this, however poses me one big problem - I cannot be a single issue blogger so my posts are absolutely random and if not random then well written TV obsessed sadness.

I only say this because the other thing - apart from news and entertainment gossip - that I like to read are of course other blogs. I marvel at the coherent entries of some of my fellow bloggers. They are all about the politics and seem to know things that only Superman or God makes me feel tired just thinking about how many hours they must devote to their writing. I am a fickle blogger at best - managing bursts of inspiration when there is not a lot on at work. Normally, every six months or so it gets "tumbleweed quiet" and I have a moment to reflect...

I have, for a while, been interested in finding a subject to write on, but being married means that the only sex I have is the kind that I don't wish to share with all and sundry - ie. Intimacy stays intimate - and the fact that I am so overwhelmed by information in my work life (need to keep up on international news, think tanks, policy for work) that I tend to shy away from writing about I guess I will have to stick to random rants about strange subjects and comments on the weather in London!


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