Margie's den of wonders...

now that was the catchiest bit of the blog! ;o)

Monday, June 09, 2008

And then I became a Mummy

So hoping that this post might be something that I can complete between naps and feeds and just general cuddling coz I can't resist.

On February 17 at 5:23 in the morning our little baby girl Madeleine Anne was born. The funny thing about her arrival (apart from the tremendous delay of 14 days) was that we had both decided our 'Peanut' (sobriquet of in belly baby bump) was going to be a boy. So when she was delivered with the help of a ventouse (yuck) the doctor exclaimed: "Your Jack is a Madeleine!". Little Miss Lungs (as I like to call her when she is asking for something) was placed on my chest and thus began the wonderful love affair we as parents have had ever since.

I was quite concerned before that I was not going to be good at the Mum thing - or that I was not really cut out for being a parent, or missing something maternal because I wasn't all that fussed about the dressing and decorating thing of the preperations. In fact I mostly thought that we were preparing for the arrival of a miniature SOCO unit member as all of the baby clothing we were able to purchase was white.

When she arrived we found it hilareous how most of said SOCO outfits looked like she was part of a Mr Clean, white-suit-only clown group (hugely too big for her).

The sad thing about babies is that they grow - I don't mean I don't want her to grow but what I realise is that they grow and change so fast you have to be careful not to miss anything. This is why I am really, really enjoying staying at home with her - especially as at four months she is really starting to be incredibly interesting. She giggles when she thinks you are funny (which in the case of her Father means as soon as she claps eyes on him), looks at you expectantly, lovingly, and inquisatively. She is reaching out to the world, and is giving it her opinion (wonder where that comes from! lol) and exploring.


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Tarkwell Robotico said...

congratulations on the terrific news.

an eerie coincidence:

our daughter (may 2nd) - is Magdelene as well!

At 2:10 AM, Blogger OldIron said...

Wow, amazing.
And to think, if she'd waited 3 more days, she'd have Cindy's birthday!...
Congrats from Johnsburg Illinois and we hope to see her, and you two as well, in the near future!


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