Campbell / King Christmas 2008
So there we were – Christmas 2007: me with a bump that was tingling and itching and a tummy that was desperate for some decent nosh…dreams of paté, Stilton and a glass of something nice dancing in my head… and Darren desperate to get a good night’s sleep and not be woken by an ever-loo-visiting wife…
What a difference a year makes! Or in some cases, not so much (read on, dear friend, and see)!
Our little bump has turned into a lovely Madeleine girl, I have gone off Stilton completely, mostly given up drinking, and now am up to sort out someone else’s nocturnal bathroom activities! Ah, parenthood!

Through-out our pregnancy Darren and I had a strong feeling that our baby would be a boy. So strong was this feeling that we began referring to Peanut as “Jack”. It was quite a surprise for us, therefore, when on February 17th at 5AM the doctor told us: “Your Jack is a Madeleine!”.
I cannot explain the fear and relief with which little Miss Madeleine was greeted. “Wow – babies are small!” is constantly on your mind. And you treat them like crystal as a consequence.
Now, in month ten, we are quite confident and happy parents adoring our beautiful girl. She is crawling at the speed of lightening, exploring her surroundings, playing with other baby friends… and generally getting into the mischief little ones do – and yet still making us smile. Every day she is a revelation and joy to be around!
The big adventures of 2008 have been of a very different nature to those of 2007.
In January of 2008 I went on maternity leave – having worked up until the last moment (or so I thought) giving myself two weeks before my due date to get ready and nest. [Little madam decided that the conditions in the spa being so lovely she would need coaxing at ten days past my due date before she would make her appearance.]
Part of the nesting process was to attend ante-natal classes (where they show you various implements that require years of psycho-therapy to overcome the sight of).
The classes were really great – mostly because I met a group of women I expect to call life-long friends. Fabulous, mad ladies who do things like sing-along to Abba tunes at the movies, dance in time to Grease videos at house parties, and generally prevent all forms of insanity in one another by the sharing of the burdens of new motherhood. Our mottoes are: “Let them eat cake – often!” and: “Fancy meeting at Starbuck’s?”
The other themes of this year were visiting and introductions – or even better a combination of both!
In the visiting category – Mimi’s Grandpa came from Canada to meet her in late March. Big and interesting is how she describes him – calm and fascinating is also what she said. We have some lovely memories of seeing tiny wee Mimi in Alexander’s arms having only eyes for each other. We took Grandpa around to see the local sights, which included Foxton Locks (and it’s fabulous pub) as well as a day trip to see Lincoln Cathedral.
Spring also brought the other half of her Montreal family in the form of her Auntie Christine, Uncle Cameron, and her cousin Lucas. We had a really great visit – if a bit chaotic (as only the worlds of two such mini-titans could bring – children’s schedules are a delicate balance and must be respected!).
It was during this visit that we heard the fabulous news that the Daviault-Campbell clan were off to New Zealand to pursue a doctorate (Christine), to join the fellowship of the rings (Lucas – he is hobbit size after all!), and to become an All Black (Cameron – because her knows the Hakka off by heart!)! The latter being a joke but the former making her family exceedingly proud!
Through-out the summer the mummies group was going strong – meeting once a week for tea and biscuits (lots, and lots of both!). Much sage advice and quite a bit of therapeutic gripping being exchanged while the little ones moved from lying prone to sitting up and taking notice to beginning to crawl and cruise. Many bits of health and development information was shared and we realised soon enough that the mysteries of baby malaise have not been cracked by the medical profession any more than it has been by any of us. Baby paracetamol seemed to be the general cure for all ailments!
Late August saw us off to for our first family camping trip to lovely Cornwall. In typical British camping style the weather was fine on the drive home. Madeleine enjoyed camping the tent was cause for much hilarity and she slept very well indeed. Ensconced between her frozen parents, who were too afraid they would roll over and crush her, to actually take some of the bed back from the tiny tent hog! We did, however, manage to get some beautiful photographs of waves and this mad Canadian took a dip in the water (no wonder they were all wearing wet suits – it was blooming freezing – even by my standards!)!
August also saw us anticipating news regarding an on-going job offer from Canada and in September we finally went to give Edmonton the once-over as our final step before agreeing to take the plunge.
September saw another stamp placed in Mimi’s passport (jet-set baby!) when we went to visit Grandma Shirley in Tunisia. Madeleine loved her Grandma’s laugh, bobbly hair and is obsessed with a little train toy she was given by her. Darren and I enjoyed some time at the beach while Mads was whisked away for some “show off time” by her Grandma who brought her to see some of her work colleagues – everyone agreed she was gorgeous and so well behaved!
The final theme of 2008 has been new opportunities and moving house.
Ever the proud wife, please forgive what may sound like shameless boasting regarding Darren… be warned!
Darren is often the subject of head hunting and in most cases these contacts come to nothing – with offers not being able to match the package his current employer was giving. So when a firm from Edmonton, Alberta expressed interest in him and he went along to an interview I thought nothing of it. But with every interview the offer kept getting better and better until we felt we had to give the company and Canada a try.
We have decided, as a compromise, to keep the house in Market Harborough on and will be renting it – as we may wish to come back here at some point and it is always best to keep a foot on the property ladder as bricks and mortar are the most popular form of investment in the UK and prices are likely to shoot up again.
So in two days time we will all get on an airplane (Othello on his own flight direct to Edmonton after a stay at a cattery down south) for ten days in Montreal and then it is off to Edmonton for New Year and our new life.
We are very much looking forward to snow, and skiing in Canada (an experience we have yet to enjoy), and camping in summer – we will admit to being a bit amazed/perturbed/scared by weather reports showing -34.2C but being of stiff-upper-lip stock we will prevail with the “mustn’t grumble” attitude which made both our native countries great, soldier on and buy plenty of long underwear!
Look for us both on Facebook - by searching to keep up with our latest news and for our new postal address.
Darren, Madeleine and I wish you Merry Christmas and all the best for 2009.
What a difference a year makes! Or in some cases, not so much (read on, dear friend, and see)!
Our little bump has turned into a lovely Madeleine girl, I have gone off Stilton completely, mostly given up drinking, and now am up to sort out someone else’s nocturnal bathroom activities! Ah, parenthood!
I cannot explain the fear and relief with which little Miss Madeleine was greeted. “Wow – babies are small!” is constantly on your mind. And you treat them like crystal as a consequence.
Now, in month ten, we are quite confident and happy parents adoring our beautiful girl. She is crawling at the speed of lightening, exploring her surroundings, playing with other baby friends… and generally getting into the mischief little ones do – and yet still making us smile. Every day she is a revelation and joy to be around!
The big adventures of 2008 have been of a very different nature to those of 2007.
In January of 2008 I went on maternity leave – having worked up until the last moment (or so I thought) giving myself two weeks before my due date to get ready and nest. [Little madam decided that the conditions in the spa being so lovely she would need coaxing at ten days past my due date before she would make her appearance.]
Part of the nesting process was to attend ante-natal classes (where they show you various implements that require years of psycho-therapy to overcome the sight of).
The classes were really great – mostly because I met a group of women I expect to call life-long friends. Fabulous, mad ladies who do things like sing-along to Abba tunes at the movies, dance in time to Grease videos at house parties, and generally prevent all forms of insanity in one another by the sharing of the burdens of new motherhood. Our mottoes are: “Let them eat cake – often!” and: “Fancy meeting at Starbuck’s?”
The other themes of this year were visiting and introductions – or even better a combination of both!
Spring also brought the other half of her Montreal family in the form of her Auntie Christine, Uncle Cameron, and her cousin Lucas. We had a really great visit – if a bit chaotic (as only the worlds of two such mini-titans could bring – children’s schedules are a delicate balance and must be respected!).
Late August saw us off to for our first family camping trip to lovely Cornwall. In typical British camping style the weather was fine on the drive home. Madeleine enjoyed camping the tent was cause for much hilarity and she slept very well indeed. Ensconced between her frozen parents, who were too afraid they would roll over and crush her, to actually take some of the bed back from the tiny tent hog! We did, however, manage to get some beautiful photographs of waves and this mad Canadian took a dip in the water (no wonder they were all wearing wet suits – it was blooming freezing – even by my standards!)!
August also saw us anticipating news regarding an on-going job offer from Canada and in September we finally went to give Edmonton the once-over as our final step before agreeing to take the plunge.

The final theme of 2008 has been new opportunities and moving house.
Ever the proud wife, please forgive what may sound like shameless boasting regarding Darren… be warned!
Darren is often the subject of head hunting and in most cases these contacts come to nothing – with offers not being able to match the package his current employer was giving. So when a firm from Edmonton, Alberta expressed interest in him and he went along to an interview I thought nothing of it. But with every interview the offer kept getting better and better until we felt we had to give the company and Canada a try.
We have decided, as a compromise, to keep the house in Market Harborough on and will be renting it – as we may wish to come back here at some point and it is always best to keep a foot on the property ladder as bricks and mortar are the most popular form of investment in the UK and prices are likely to shoot up again.
So in two days time we will all get on an airplane (Othello on his own flight direct to Edmonton after a stay at a cattery down south) for ten days in Montreal and then it is off to Edmonton for New Year and our new life.
We are very much looking forward to snow, and skiing in Canada (an experience we have yet to enjoy), and camping in summer – we will admit to being a bit amazed/perturbed/scared by weather reports showing -34.2C but being of stiff-upper-lip stock we will prevail with the “mustn’t grumble” attitude which made both our native countries great, soldier on and buy plenty of long underwear!
Look for us both on Facebook - by searching to keep up with our latest news and for our new postal address.
Darren, Madeleine and I wish you Merry Christmas and all the best for 2009.