I have begun the arduous task of trying to wean my baby from the breast. Six months of hard but worth-while work has gone into the health of our 16lb 13oz daughter. She is the picture of health and energy - and the apple of our eye.
Something one should know about Miss Madeleine Anne: she will not be pushed. Our little girl went through phases where she would battle her Mummy and "disagree" with the introduction (or re-introduction as it were) of new things. From the start Miss Madeleine Anne had notions of her own as to how breast feeding would be accomplished - and would not hear of anyone trying to assist or teach her anything regarding technique (no matter that she was making Mummy ache and bleed - or that she was likely not getting enough milk), she simply would wrestle with me until she was in a position which suited her.
As a consequence of these boughts it was necessary to wear protectors for a while - this was not approved of and Miss M-A decided to revolt. Then eventually the protectors were not needed - and Miss M-A decided to revolt. These revolts took the form of much raging and crying and going red in the face.
Bottles of expressed milk were another source for battle - with a new brand eventually being purchased as Miss M-A prefered a different shape to those originally procured (at no small cost to the management).
Now Mummy - the evil torturer that she is - is trying to introduce death-poison on a spoon. Madeleine does not deign to scream but simply thrusts out her tongue and says "phwa" to various flavours of pureed veggies and fruit.
To date sweet potatoe has been met with a channeling of some ancient monarch's disdainful stony face. Cauliflower with a yuck face. Baby rice with a toleration which involves much spreading of it across the entire surface of her head (apparently it is good for your skin as hers is lovely and soft after a feed) and behind her knees. Apples are met with a with a look of perplexity that says: "This is marginally better woman, but don't you go pushing too much on me or there will be trouble!"
Last night - as a sort of "let's amuse myself at the baby's expense" experiment I tried some broccoli. [In order to continue with weaning which is a huge pain in the *ss one must please ones self periodically or go mad!]
Now I had read in several of my weaning books that as this was a strong flavour I shouldn't expect a positive reaction. Well blow me over, didn't the little blighter gobble it up. Mouth opened like a proper baby being fed and there really wasn't a lot of the stuff to be found anywhere but in her mouth.
I will not, however, become too excited by this success as baby will likely "school" me today if I serve her the same thing - and spit it out all over herself, the chair, table and of course her Mama. But blimey was I pleased with myself yesterday! Go Mama Margie!